Saturday, June 02, 2012

Just when you thought product marketing could not get more ridiculous...

... this is truly one of those 'How much? For that?'. Before you go to the link let me point out a couple of points:

1. It is just sea salt with flavouring.

2. It $59.95 (convert it yourself!)... Oprah does have a discount code to allow you to get it for $48.

3. It is just sea salt with flavouring.

4. Each of the eleven containers holds 1oz (or less). i.e. this is at most 11 oz of salt.

5. It is just sea salt with flavouring.

6. McCormick (relatively expensive brand) Sea Salt (no flavour added) sell a grinder containing just over 2 oz of sea salt for $2.

7. It is just sea salt with flavouring.

8. One of the properties of salt is to release flavours from the food/dish you add it to.

9. It is just sea salt with flavouring.

etc... here.

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