I have been quiet for quite a few months, enjoying a good summer, busy with my job, and generally doing life stuff. No excuses but with winter rapidly approaching I hope to have fewer 'distractions' that I have used as poor excuses for not blogging.
The original catalyst for my blog was a series of emails that I began to send out to a few (well over 100) select people in my 'EmailFun' email group. Why restrict it to just a few? Anyway....
Recently you may have seen references to Freerice.com. I did and visited the site. Brilliant, I thought. Then I got to thinking a bit more. I read the Faq and pondered on the '25,000 people a day die of hunger' i.e. 25,000 / (24*60) means that 17.361111 etc people a minute are dying. I had been playing for over ten minutes so a lot of people are dropping dead while I have fun and contribute a few grains of rice. Note that I am not knocking or criticising this. The site is well intentioned and I am sure when you are starving a few grains of rice WILL make a difference. What struck me was how pitiful I was by doing it.
In much the same way that recycling is statistically pointless (far better to become a vegetarian and/or stop accepting excessive packaging from manufacturers), I realised that my clicking on a few words was only giving me a feel good factor and not really going to make that much of a difference. I am sure that many people are going to come back with a variety of retorts on this so let me say right now 'Yes, I agree with you' but stop pontificating and instead of venting at me, do something positive yourself...
I sent an email to my 'EmailFun' group and was quite surprised at the number of vociferous responses I received. I believe I had not indicated properly my cynicism regarding the ineffectiveness (my belief) of the activity. The game is great but the behind the scenes reality keeps nagging at me. So I responded to the group and post my response below. I await the responses...
Several people responded 'negatively' to my sending the link to Freerice.com.
Perhaps I should clearly state when I am being cynical. Is there an emoticon for cynicism out there?
This response from xxxxxx was typical...
"I heard about this. I find it patronizing and degrading to imply that internetters all over the world can put their conscience to sleep by the idea that they are somehow 'contributing' something. They are not. They are clicking on a web page.
I don't mind not doing anything substantial against world hunger or poverty. But I won't play such a game and pretend that I'm doing something."
I totally and utterly agree. Throughout my life I have witnessed the expansion of Oxfam and others in their charitable efforts, Biafra, Live Aid, Live8, Let's End Poverty... the list is endless.
Many of these worthy causes have turned me away from charitable giving through the 'guilt trip' of heart-rending images, 'everyone else is' pressure, the 'have you got your Red Nose?' and so on. Yes there are problems but I personally will not bow to social pressure like this. In the same vein, many countries where social problems, hunger, poverty and so on exist (Zimbabwe, South Africa, India, Bangladesh, Australia, America...). These problems are NOT ones that can be addressed at the personal level but at a greater level. Even the World Food Program states ...
"We will make every effort to direct your donation to the project that you specify. However, due to the nature of WFP’s work, at times the organisation may need to allocate the funds to a life-threatening crisis."
This indicates a reactive rather than a proactive approach to the problem. From their statements it indicates that about 25,000 people die of hunger each day. That is about 17 people a minute who are dying while you click and improve your knowledge and assuage any 'guilt' you may have. The advertisers, while well intentioned, are doing this to make you aware of their products, appear caring, and sell more product. It is that simple. Check how many of these advertisers are outsourcing their manufacturing to 'cheap labour' locations where poverty and hunger exist. Does this help? Of course, it increases their profit margin and allows them to pay for the costs of marketing campaigns such as FreeRIce.com.
It is not a real solution. Far better to take a positive approach and go here and act. Same organisation more direct approach. Imagine the following...
Imagine if militarised governments reduced their arms expenditure by less than 1%, the money could be used to eradicate hunger and poverty. I choose America as an example. Check out their annual expenditure, reduce it to a minute cost, and you will see how ineffectual and pathetic your clicking actually is.
Imagine if America, and all other countries involved in the invasion of Iraq, had used the billions of dollars spent on bringing 'democracy' to the joyful flag waving people had instead spent the money on a few 'home improvements' instead. Iraq would be better than Disneyland. I will not dwell on this too long but it is worth considering how many individuals have died at the cost of the taxes levied on the residents of those civilised countries.
Rant over.
I am sure the above will generate a few responses and I do not intend this to be a protracted debate. As individuals our actions are relatively ineffective. The Poverty.com link above is about the best you can do, as well as telling others to do the same. Viral marketing that has a potentially positive social benefit.
I will post the above text to my blog where there is the ability to post comments and there is also a 'Discuss' option should you feel so inclined (although that option is a little creaky).
IF you want to do something REALLY effective, quantifiable, measurable... la-de-dah whateverable... then get personal and help out someone directly. One most excellent way is here. Any social action that benefits an individual will lead to benefits for those around them. It is slow going but will generate results.
For the above I have tried to resist bringing politics into the discussion. I would like to keep it that way. My comments above are from a social perspective and are not a rant about any particular company, web site, country, or even Bob Geldof.
Enjoy. Incidentally, the game is still good but nothing beats time spent with a dictionary and/or thesaurus, or the feel good factor as the letter drops into the mailbox.
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