This curious instrument is called a "Logical Bassoon" and was invented by a rather clever individual by the name of Giles Brindley. There is an overview of the instrument
here for any musicologists amongst you but for the rest of you I should point out that this is not the main point of this post. The subject matter is
Professor Giles Skey Brindley who had (has?) a long career in the field of urology and also developed early solutions to visual impairment. He even received a knighthood (appropriate) for his work in early bioengineering.

All of these achievements would make any individual proud to be alive having achieved so much in their lifetime. However, and this is not a negative, Brindley is most famous for his early research into erectile dysfunction and, specifically, a lecture he gave on the subject matter in 1986. Rather than retell the tale I will let the description in the link explain in full what transpired...
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