Friday, January 27, 2012

A Cornucopia Of Links #34

1. One day NOT on Snake River. This series of photos is poorly attributed to being on Snake River, Washington when in fact the evidence indicates otherwise. Thanks to MD who was not to know this information at the time of sending it. Still fascinating stuff for nature lovers. Here.

2. Free Windows OR online (excellent for other OS users) photo sizer and converter. Here.

3. I mean, what use IS your appendix? Here.

Above image from here.

4. Convince people at the airport that this is a pen... here.

5. And, as the old joke goes, "No, blew them apart"... an odd hiding place indeed... here.

6. At least we know who the brains were behind this scheme... here.

7. Definitely a case of "Hell's Grannies"... here.

8. The Photoshop Top 10 Disasters of 2011... here. Good BUT... I have issues with some of these. Numbers 2, 3, 5, and 6, and 10, definitely come into this category. 1, 8, and 9 are at best tenuous. There is a huge MISS on number 4 where further in the site they even state it is NOT a PSD here. However, if you note the fact that Jennifer has three feet...

9. These are eight ways to say "I love you" in a truly (and mind boggling) expensive way... here.

10. Then and now - stunning changes due to urban development... here.

11. Plane v Balloon... history article... here.

12. Samsung's Smart Window... here.

13. DHM - A sobering thing... here.

14. Bin Laden's Liquor Store... a small diversion... here.

15. Lost in Tokyo... here.

16. Just another day at police HQ... here.

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