Monday, May 03, 2010

Chilies I grow - 1 - Cherry Bomb

The Cherry Bomb

The Cherry Bomb is a prolific growing chili for me. This is the typical size I attain from a pot-grown plant. It grows to a height of about 30cm (1ft).

Heat - this is what I would describe as a low to medium heat.

Scoville Rating - 2,500 - 5,000

Description - Small/medium sized, this chili grows easily and abundantly.

General - Very firm skin.

Good For:-

The larger of these can be hollowed out for stuffing - cheese, small chicken pieces.
Excellent when used fresh, sliced in a salad (in moderation).
The colour makes them ideal for making a pepper mash.
Perfect for pickling either whole or cut the tops and add a garlic clove.

Not Good For:-

Ristras - they shrivel away to nothing
They are difficult to break up for pepper flakes.

The seeds keep well and also grow easily.

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