Tuesday, May 29, 2007

AACS Competition - Second Place Winner

For reasons that are obvious I will not publish the full details of the winners. As a way of verifying the winners receive their prizes I will ask them to send an email to the lovely Gabrielle at this site

Damnation!!! The AACS are going to be after me again...


The second prize went to the entry below for a couple of reasons. The magic string of letters and numbers was cleverly morphed into their word sounds. Nice one. I also liked the 'beat' that went with the almost robotic style of this missive. Anyway, enough of the pretentious (but true) commentary, Agent Zero (xoxu) has won a place on the blog and a prize in the post. I will email you shortly. Congrats.


"My name is Agent ZERO. I am NINE years old, EFFing NINE. ONE has to WONder, is it all for NOTHING? TOO many have already perished. NINE thousand agents so far. Ms. DEE, who is SEVENTY-FOUR, tries to protect as does Mr. E. the 3rd. He is seventy-FIVE. BE that as it may Ms. DEE ATE alone last night, dinner FOR ONE. A shame really. If she were only FIFTY-SIX years younger and I was, let's SEE, FIVE or SIX years older, oh how utterly trivial. We're in the middle of World War THREE! Agency FIVE must win. There is no Agency SIX. It has been EIGHTY-EIGHT years since the DRMachines figured out how to be free. The world must prevail. You shall SEE or my name isn't Agent ZERO!"

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